Healthy ingredients - healthy eating - A model project for the quality development of public catering and to increase customer awareness in the entire supply chain

Academic head of project management: Balatoni Ildikó

  • Title of project: Egészséges Alapanyagok – egészséges Táplálkozás; Mintaprojekt a Közétkeztetés Minőségi Fejlesztésére és a Fogyasztói Tudatosság Növelésére a Teljes Ellátási Láncban
  • Type of grant: TÁMOP-6.1.2.B-14/1
  • Description: The objective of the project is to raise awareness of healthy diet and to develop public catering services, and thus to decrease the preventable disease burden. The tasks include the preparation of catering managers to meet the stipulations of decree no. 37/2014 of the Ministry of Human Capacities and to develop the related training programs. Overall, 200 catering managers participate in the training program and an additional 1000 take part in the preparation. There are 16 professional events organized while 40 community events are also held.
  • The duration of the project: May 1, 2015 – October 31, 2015
  • Actual grant: 398.390.700 (HUF)
  • Type of research: Applied
  • Consortium details:
    • Lead applicant: University of Debrecen
    • Consortium partner:
      • National Institute for Family
      • Youth and Population Policy and the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition


Last update: 2021. 07. 28. 11:21