Vascular and cardiac research network: The pathomechanisms, diagnostics and pharmacological control of vascular and cardiovascular diseases on the level of basic and clinical research

Academic head of project management: Balla György

  • Title of project: Vaszkuláris és kardiális kutatóhálózat: Az ér- és a kardiovaszkuláris betegségek patomechanizmusai, diagnosztikái, farmakológiai befolyásolhatóságuk az alap- és klinikai kutatás szintjein
  • Type of grant: TÁMOP-4.2.2.A-11/1/KONV
  • Description: Vascular diseases influence the mortality rate and the quality of life from the beginning of life to old age. The preservation of health depends on numerous factors, these include, among others, knowledge about the pathological mechanism of the disease, the development of new diagnostic tools, the elaboration of effective preventive and healing methods, their analysis through clinical trials, and finally, as a public health duty the proving of the effect of science on the epidemiological level. As a result the research on vascular diseases presupposes a complex approach which can be carried out most effectively by establishing such a research network where the practicing physician, the theoretical medical scientist, the pharmacist, pathologist, and the laboratory researcher all work together. We can safely claim that our program fulfilled this task as a scholarly community has been established for the research of vascular diseases.
  • The duration of the project: October 1, 2012 – March 31, 2015
  • Actual total costs: 872.152.064 (HUF)
  • Type of research: Basic


Last update: 2021. 08. 16. 10:50